Recursos ortopédicos

Si sufre de osteoartritis, una lesión o cualquier otra afección ortopédica, estamos aquí para brindarle asistencia y estamos listos para ayudarlo a conectar con médicos y profesionales de la salud que pueden proporcionarle la atención segura y de alta calidad que merece. Descubra cómo nuestro programa ortopédico y nuestro equipo de expertos pueden ayudarlo a recuperar su movilidad lo antes posible.

Cuestionario sobre las rodillas

Cuantifique, con nuestra evaluación, el grado en el que el dolor de la rodilla está afectando su calidad de vida.

Conozca a nuestro navegador de ortopedia

¿Está listo para comenzar a vivir sin dolor? Nuestro navegador de ortopedia le orientará en todo el proceso.

Check back soon, there are no classes currently scheduled for The Hospitals of Providence.

Upcoming Classes & Events

{{ FeaturedClass.classInternetTitle }}

{{ StripHtml(FeaturedClass.classDescription) }}

{{ FeaturedClass.locationLine1 }}

{{ SectionDate(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionTime(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}-{{ SectionTime(FeaturedClass.sectionEndDate) }}

{{ FeaturedClass.sectionOpenSlots }} Seats Remaining

{{ FeaturedClass.FeeMessage }}

{{ FeaturedClass.showSections ? '-' : '+' }} Show all dates and locations

{{ SectionMonth(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionDay(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}

Multiple dates
and locations

{{ Class.classInternetTitle }}

{{ TruncateMessage(StripHtml(Class.classDescription)) }}

{{ Class.locationLine1 }}

{{ SectionDate(Class.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionTime(Class.sectionStartDate) }}-{{ SectionTime(Class.sectionEndDate) }}

{{ Class.sectionOpenSlots }} Seats Remaining

{{ Class.FeeMessage }}

{{ Class.showSections ? '-' : '+' }} Show all dates and locations

{{ SectionMonth(Class.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionDay(Class.sectionStartDate) }}

Multiple dates
and locations

There are no classes currently scheduled for this service. See all of the upcoming classes and events sponsored by The Hospitals of Providence.

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More Information

Check back soon, there are no classes currently scheduled for The Hospitals of Providence.

Upcoming Classes

{{ FeaturedClass.classInternetTitle }}

{{ StripHtml(FeaturedClass.classDescription) }}

{{ FeaturedClass.locationLine1 }}

{{ SectionDate(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionTime(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}-{{ SectionTime(FeaturedClass.sectionEndDate) }}

{{ FeaturedClass.sectionOpenSlots }} Seats Remaining

{{ FeaturedClass.FeeMessage }}

{{ FeaturedClass.showSections ? '-' : '+' }} Show all dates and locations

{{ SectionMonth(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionDay(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}

Multiple dates
and locations

{{ Class.classInternetTitle }}

{{ TruncateMessage(StripHtml(Class.classDescription)) }}

{{ Class.locationLine1 }}

{{ SectionDate(Class.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionTime(Class.sectionStartDate) }}-{{ SectionTime(Class.sectionEndDate) }}

{{ Class.sectionOpenSlots }} Seats Remaining

{{ Class.FeeMessage }}

{{ Class.showSections ? '-' : '+' }} Show all dates and locations

{{ SectionMonth(Class.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionDay(Class.sectionStartDate) }}

Multiple dates
and locations

There are no classes currently scheduled for this service. See all of the upcoming classes and events sponsored by The Hospitals of Providence.

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